
Record Definitions in PeopleTools

A Record in PeopleSoft is a collection of Fields and which is similar to a table in Database terms. But in PeopleSoft a Records is categorized into 7 types. 

Before explaining the Record type in PeopleSoft will show you the structure of how a record looks like:

As shown below those are the 7 Record type exists in PeopleSoft

Record Types:

1. SQL Table: This definition will have a Physical SQL Table in the database.
Build Option: Yes (Create Tables/Alter Tables)
For New tables: use Create Tables in Build Options
For existing Table: use Alter Tables in the Build Options

2. SQL View: This record definition corresponds to a SQL view, which is not a physical SQL table in the database but fields from one or more SQL tables that are reorganized into a different sequence. SQL view provides an alternate view of information that is stored in tables.

If you select SQL View, please enter a SQL select statement on the Right side "Click to Open SQL Editor".

Build Option: Yes (Create Views)

3. Dynamic View: A record definition that can be used like a view in pages and PeopleCode, but is not actually stored as a SQL view in the database. Instead, the system uses the view text as a base for the SQL Select that is performed at runtime. Dynamic views can provide superior performance in some situations, such as search records and in PeopleCode Selects, because they are optimized more efficiently than normal SQL views.

Build Option: No

4. Derived/Work Record: The record definition as a temporary workspace to use during online page processing. A derived or work record is not stored in the database, so you do not build it.

Build Option: No

5. SubRecord:  Group of fields that is commonly used in multiple record definitions and that you can add to other record definitions. This way, you can change a group of fields in one place, as opposed to changing each record definition in which the group of fields is used.

Build Option: No

6. Query View: This record definition as a view is constructed using the PeopleSoft Query tool. Before you can create the view, PeopleSoft Application Designer prompts you to save the definition.

Build Option: No

7. Temporary Tables: Temporary record is the database record for temporary purpose. It is used to store the data specific to the business criteria for update without risking the main table.

Build Option: Yes

Non Standard SQL Table Name: This option is used for overriding the general naming convention of peopletools i.e. PS_*. You can give any name you like:P

Build Sequence No. : This field is available when the record type is a SQL or Query view. Set the order in which the view is to be created. The default value is 1 when the record or view is initially created. Views that must be created first can be set to 0, while views that you want created last can be set to any number from 1 to 99. The build sequence number is stored with the other details of the record or view in the database.

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